Shipping and Returns
All goods shipped from our suppliers warehouse within New Zealand only
Allow 2-3 days delivery per item
If there is a problem with stock supply, we will contact you and discuss options
Payment must be made before any goods are dispatched unless you have arranged an account with us.
Accounts will only be given to businesses and must have a trading history with us
We reserve the right to charge freight on some large items but this will be added prior to payment for you to check
We accept returns only of goods that we have supplied.
Returned goods must be in the same condition as supplied and unopened and unused. You must contact us PRIOR to returning goods.
Goods returned without contacting us first will not be accepted.
If we have supplied goods that were not what you ordered, we will return them whether they have been opened or not.
If you have any questions re shipping or returns, please contact us on 03 3390615 or email